The Bard Commune aims to provide a community for TTRPG creators, where they can network, find mentorship, expand their skill sets, and advertise their freelance services with confidence. Writers, editors, artists, layout designers, streamers, matter what your medium of creation is, you are welcome here.
To create a welcoming and supportive environment in which independent, freelance creators can hone their craft and find exciting new projects with like-minded peers.
Respect: “Regard for the feelings, wishes, rights, and ideas of others.” Treat fellow members with the respect and courtesy you wish to receive in kind. Creation thrives on diversity of thought, so share your ideas freely and preserve the right of others to do the same.
Inclusivity: “Provide equal access to opportunities and resources for those who might otherwise be excluded or marginalized.” We do not discriminate or exclude anyone on the basis of race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status such as disability, age, marital and family status, sexual orientation and gender identity, health status, place of residence, economic and social situation.
Community: “A group of people unified by shared interests and attitudes.” Healthy communities uplift their members with shared access to opportunities, so we take pride in offering key resources and services to all members so we can create and grow together.